September 22, 2022 7:11 PM
Limitless Church has officially Launched! I remember pulling into Ankeny about 1 year ago wondering how in the world this crazy dream could ever be a reality. But God has a way of moving when we simply pursue obedience! That has been and still is one of my biggest goals... to simply be obedient to God! He has opened doors I couldn't have imagined, and brought the unlikely pieces together that were needed to launch a church!
Sunday was incredible. We had 58 people serving on the team in some capacity for launch Sunday and we couldn't have done it without each of them! The Dream Team that has been put together really has been one of the biggest miracles and blessings we've experienced! They are the reason that God was able to move, and it was incredible to see the people that showed up! Please keep them in your prayers when thinking about Limitless Church, as they are the reason we will be able to reach more people!!
22 people raised their hand to make a decision to begin following Jesus! 22 PEOPLE! This is why we moved, and why we preach the gospel, and why we use the talents God gave us! To make a difference in others!! THANK YOU JESUS!
We're celebrating all that God has done, and we are celebrating the fact that God is just getting started! Here is just one of the comments from Sunday...
"I have never felt so welcome and comfortable going into a church. In fact it’s somewhat been the opposite at other churches I have attended. The over whelming feeling of walking in for the first time, nobody to greet or show you around and simply feel lost. Seriously the second I pulled in the parking lot today I was going in with a open mind. Not sure what to expect and yet was prepared for being bummed. 10000000000% COMPLETE OPPOSITE! I can not thank you guys enough for coming to Ankeny! My son (5) daughter (15) and myself (no age will be disclosed :) are all looking forward to next week already. I enjoyed the service today so much that when I got home I put it on the tv to watch it live again. Even after one service I can tell… I have found my home and new church family! So today was about your dreams coming true and what you guys didn’t realize is… my dream came true today as well, as in finding Limitless! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Enjoy the week and we will see you guys next weekend."
Thanks for your prayers and support. Thanks for following along with this journey as it's still just beginning! 278 people showed up to celebrate Grand Opening with us, and we can't wait to see what God does next through a new church here in Ankeny!
- Pastor Arjay Johnson
P.S. - There is one need that presented itself from grand opening that I wanted to make known... so I thought you could hear from our worship leader about it, and if anyone would feel like they want to help us fulfill this need, simply reply!! So grateful for you ALL!!
"The worship team is working hard creating an engaging and contemporary worship experience. While we want to make a loud and joyful noise to the Lord, we want to have control of that noise. Our current reality is that the volume of our acoustic drums is very present and difficult to control in the room we have. While some may love that volume, others may not. An option we’re looking at is an electronic drum kit - one which we have complete control over the volume. This would enrich the sound, give us the same sound week to week, and give the congregation a more volume controlled and enjoyable experience. Thanks so much for considering help us meet this need!"
Cost of Portable Elecronic Drum Kit. = $3,799.00