3-2-1 Leadership. Take The Mountain. 9.29.24.

October 30, 2024 2:46 PM
3 Ideas to Equip & Inspire:

Giants Will Try to Stop You, But They Can’t Win (Joshua 14:12): Caleb faced giants as he sought to claim the mountain God promised him, and so will we. If you want to take your mountain, you'll have to face some giants. But remember, giants will try to paralyze you with fear, but they can't stop you if you move forward. What giant is standing in your way that God is calling you to face head-on?
Wholehearted Faith Brings the Promise (Joshua 14:9): Caleb wholeheartedly followed God, and it was this dedication that enabled him to claim the land. What promise has God given you, and are you following Him with your whole heart as you pursue it? Wholehearted faith invites God-sized dreams into reality.
Opposition is Opportunity (Joshua 14:12): Caleb didn’t see giants as obstacles; he saw them as opportunities. When we shift our perspective, we realize that opposition can actually be the gateway to the greatest victories. How can you start viewing the challenges in your ministry as opportunities for God to show His power?

2 Quotes to Reflect On:
  1. “If there’s no risk, I’m not sure if it’s faith.” 
  2. “The moment you begin moving… is the moment you realize you are not alone.” 
1 Question to Act On:
  1. What "mountain" is God calling you to take? Whether it’s a bold decision in your personal life or a step forward in your career or leadership, how will you move forward in faith this week?

Arjay Johnson